Cracking the interview has always been a challenge, but recent events have made it even more difficult. Zoom interviews, non-traditional interview settings, and personal stressors on both the interviewer and candidate are all presenting unique hurdles to overcome. Whether you’re trying to crack a PM interview, preparing for a cybersecurity position, or taking a Python coding test, use these 10 tips to show you have the skills to crack your interview in 2021 and beyond.
The top 10 tips for your next interview are:
- Test the software beforehand
- Restart your equipment
- Check your lighting and angle
- Turn off notifications
- Look at the camera (not yourself)
- Learn the company, the job, and your own resume
- Dress for the interview
- Keep a pen and paper handy
- Have a hard-copy of your resume
- Always end on a positive note
1. Test the software beforehand
Zoom. Microsoft Teams. Skype for Business. Different companies, and even separate teams within a single company, are using different platforms to not only communicate with each other but with candidates as well. Find out what software you’ll be using to interview ahead of time. This way you can install it, create an account (if necessary), and do a test run with a friend before the interview.
2. Restart your equipment
All computers freeze, show errors and slow down (yes, even Macs). Usually, this is caused by programs and services running in the background for extended periods of time. The longer your device is running, the more these apps add up and unnecessarily use your device’s resources. Though employers may be understanding of some slight technical difficulties, the more you can prevent the better.
Restart your device, no matter what device it is, at least an hour before the interview to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible.
3. Check your lighting and angle
Presentation matters. It’s the reason you know to smile, mind your body language, and dress right for the occasion. When getting ready for a video interview, there’s even more under your control that you should be aware of. Try to place the camera at, or slightly above, eye level.
A stack of books under a laptop often takes care of this. Make sure light is facing you rather than behind you. Avoid having open windows behind you and place a small desk lap just behind your monitor to light yourself properly.
4. Turn off notifications
Just as you would turn off your phone before stepping into an interview, you need to prevent interruptions during your virtual one. Close any programs you don’t actively need running. Turn off notifications on your computer. Set your device to “do not disturb” if you can. Do everything you can to prevent a ding or a chime from distracting from the interview.