Beyond Strengths and Weaknesses: Interviewing in a Tough Hiring Market

by Pranav Ramesh
September 13, 2022
How to understand and respond the tough interview questions

Job interviews can bring about a mixture of emotions, even in the most unflappable among us. Job hunters are likely to experience anxiety, excitement, trepidation, happiness, and a flurry of other emotions, often all at once. This is especially prevalent in the tech sector, where nailing a job interview can lead to landing a job with a company with prestige, excellent compensation, and the opportunity to change the future.  

And when the stakes are high for a position in the tech industry, confusing headlines can lead to uncertainty. Is the economy heading for a recession? Are tech giants really laying off hundreds of workers? How will hiring freezes factor into the job market? Was the Great Resignation a thing? Will there be regrets for employees who choose to leave their current roles? 

Hopefully, none of these challenges deter current tech employees from evaluating the job market, especially if they find themselves in an unfulfilling role or taking their career to the next step. While the hiring market in tech certainly has its challenges right now, there are ways for candidates to keep emotions in check and present their best selves during an interview. Candidates must keep in mind that they are interviewing potential employers, as well. An excellent job interview is a two-way discussion that considers the needs of both the employee and employer.  

Before Applying for that Job 

As employees, or those entering the job market, understand, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the interview process for both candidates and employers. More interviews are being conducted virtually now, at least in the beginning stages of the selection process. Pre-pandemic, 22% of employers incorporated video interviews into their interview process. But by January 2021, 79% of employers are conducting video interviews routinely. 

Before a candidate begins applying to jobs at random, it can be helpful to consider a list of questions that will function as guideposts during the job search. This is a helpful exercise for both veteran job hunters and those just entering the job market. It’s a rare experience for a candidate to receive everything on their wish list when it comes to landing a new job, so having some questions to refer back to can be useful for candidates. 

  • Make a list of companies you’re interested in working for. It’s important to research not only the benefits offered with employment, but also check out a company’s history, mission, and future grow