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From Good to Great: 7 Strategies to Supercharge Your Sales
Business and Project Management
National Entrepreneurs Day celebrates the intersection of entrepreneurship and salesmanship, highlighting the shared skill set essential for success in both fields. Entrepreneurs and sales professionals alike thrive on innovation, keen market understanding, and a relentless drive to succeed. These...
The Essence of Entrepreneurship: Reframing Sales
“Sales cures all. There has never been a company in the history of companies that has ever succeeded without sales. “ Mark Cuban Imagine a world where the iPhone was just another prototype, never reaching the hands of the...
Plotting the Course for Start-up Success
Sometime around 2010, Joel Gascoigne had the idea to schedule social media posts in advance. He and a group of friends developed an app called Buffer that would allow just that. After Buffer launched and Joel saw that others...
Transforming Ideas into Movement: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Success
2020 was not just a year of losses and lockdowns; it also ushered in the ‘Era of Entrepreneurs’. Though the US economy took a plunge into the deepest recession in modern history, the US Census Bureau has also recorded...