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How Good Leadership Can Combat AI Burnout
Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a promising solution to alleviate workplace stress and minimize technological errors. With its ability to enhance efficiency and streamline processes, AI has become indispensable across various industries. Paradoxically, for certain employees, AI’s introduction into...
Working From Home With Kids: A Fine Balance
(The following article is a guest post by contributor Mehak Chopra) So, there I was, my toddler son playing under my desk with an old cheerio that he found, unwilling to go to his playpen. I fenced him in...
Is Happiness the New American Dream?
What happens when success isn’t created by titles or pay scale anymore? Eric Yuan, founder and CEO of Zoom, left a six-figure job at Cisco WebEx because he was not happy and struggled to find the motivation to go...
10 Realistic 2021 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Get Done
As the world is gearing up for a new year filled with new hopes, we’re here to help you figure out resolutions that are friendly to the times. Given the recent turn of events, everyone is likely to be...
10 Super-fun Ideas To Nail The Virtual Office Holiday Party 2020
To state that 2020 was an “eventful year” would be the biggest understatement of the decade. After n