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Stand up to cybercrime: Learn How to Become a DevSecOps Engineer
Fatima had been quietly studying the tech job market for the last few years. Currently working as a DevOps Engineer, she was becoming tired of the daily grind of being a generalist in IT and the mid-sized logistics company...
Name Dropping: Why the Job Title Might Not Match the Job.
As software engineer Kal began his job hunt, he started to notice some peculiarities within job titles on virtual job boards. It seems that the more he searched for his next opportunity, the more inflated the job titles became....
Get Your Focus Back: Using Attention Management to Improve Productivity
Doree Morales couldn’t seem to crack the code. As a newly hired software developer, she hasn’t been able to keep up with her daily responsibilities, much less ever get ahead or brainstorm solutions to larger software issues. It seemed...
Is Storytelling the Secret to a Successful Job Hunt?
Whether you’re fresh out of college, or a seasoned industry vet, many of us enter the job search process without a game plan. A four-page resume isn’t the answer. Nor is a rambling video interview describing every detail of...
How to Build a Career in AI?
What is AI? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines through programming. It enables machines to think, act, and solve problems like a human being. Machine learning enables AI to include expert systems, natural language...