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What IT Jobs Are Hiring Part-Time?
Part-time jobs are a great way of earning a steady income whilst also fulfilling other interests or responsibilities. Taking up a part-time job can help you gain valuable work experience even though you clock in fewer hours. Part-time jobs...
What Questions Are Asked in a Phone Interview?
Phone interviews, compared to in-person or video chats, seem easy. You don’t have to worry about your attire, making eye contact, or shaking hands firmly. Don’t let this lack of pressure fool you, though. A phone interview is still...
Is Lying on a Resume Ever Okay?
A job is a relationship between an employer and an employee. There is a certain level of trust each party has to instill in the other for it to work. Like any other relationship, those that start with dishonesty...
9 Best Graphic Design Resume Tips
Your graphic design resume can be your first, and best, chance to stand out in the eyes of a hiring manager. Graphic design jobs are rewarding and lucrative, making it a highly sought-after field. With this increase in competition...
12 Tips for A Senior Graphic Designer Resume
Are you looking for a job as a Senior Graphic Designer? Be ready to face the fact that your qualifications and skills may not be enough. You must know how to market yourself efficiently to the employer, and that’s...