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Demoted? Don’t be Demotivated
Demotions happen for many reasons. Maybe the company is downsizing, maybe your performance is not up to your manager’s standards, or maybe you received a recent promotion that isn’t working out. Sometimes individuals even opt for a voluntary demotion,...
What Is The Difference Between A Job And A Career?
You have put in the hard work, survived the vicissitudes of childhood, high school, and possibly college, and finally landed your first job. Congratulations! But does this mean you are now firmly established on a career path? What is...
What Are the Top 16 Web Developer Questions?
Preparing for a web developer interview can be stressful. You know you have the skills to do the job, but what kinds of questions are they going to ask? Whether you’re an entry-level web developer, a junior front end...
How Do You Introduce Yourself in a Professional Email?
How you introduce yourself in a professional email is extremely important. It gives the recipient an idea of who you are, what you want, and how professional you come across. Since most people skim through the email rather than...
The Future Workforce: How Leaders Can Make or Break a Company
Russel used to be the Vice President of a renowned banking and financial services company in the Greater Chicago area. When the pandemic hit the markets hard in March 2020, Russel’s firm faced challenges in transitioning to remote work...