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Predictive Modeling Hiring: The Key to Talent Acquisition Success
John Carter is a talent acquisition manager in a software company. In the short-skilled market, he has been finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain candidates as most of them tend to leave within the first few months....
You Might Have to Let Go of Your Best Employee
Bill Buchanan is a mid-level manager at a distribution company in Michigan. Upper management noted that Bill was a hard worker who always completed his work, regularly went the extra mile, and raised the bar in customer satisfaction. Despite...
When A Career Detour is NOT Career Suicide
“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path”- Anonymous “I did everything from investment banking, to being a toy buyer, to marketing diapers online, to coming to Vimeo to do marketing and finding...
How Do You Introduce Yourself in a Professional Email?
How you introduce yourself in a professional email is extremely important. It gives the recipient an idea of who you are, what you want, and how professional you come across. Since most people skim through the email rather than...
The 12 Best Free Machine Learning Software Tools
Finding the best machine learning tools can be an overwhelming endeavor. It is such a vast, new, and ever-evolving field, that developers find themselves spending as much time studying the software options as they spend studying the technology itself....