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What’s your Talent Strategy in the Metaverse?
As if COVID and the Great Attrition are not enough to deal with, are you prepared for a radical change in the Internet? There’s a label for this transformation. It’s called the Metaverse. What is the metaverse’s long-term impact...
Alternative Routes to Success In a Tough Hiring Market
The Great Resignation offered employees across all sectors the chance to re-think their career trajectory, work/life balance, and how they want to be treated by an employer. Now, the Great Resignation has given way to a slowdown in hiring...
Get Your Focus Back: Using Attention Management to Improve Productivity
Doree Morales couldn’t seem to crack the code. As a newly hired software developer, she hasn’t been able to keep up with her daily responsibilities, much less ever get ahead or brainstorm solutions to larger software issues. It seemed...
Turn The Job You Have Into the Job You Love
In the early 2000s, Professor Jane Dutton of the University of Michigan and Amy Wrzesniewski, a research scholar, had a simple idea to interview the cleaning staff at a hospital to understand the nature of their work. Through a...
What Employers Look for in a Resume?
Summary Statement A perfect resume has a well-written summary statement at the top. It highlights your qualifications, career achievements, and skills. This gives the recruiter and the hiring manager a glimpse of your profile without going through the entire...